Free Jokes API

The free Jokes API provides an extensive collection of jokes from around the globe, neatly categorized into more than 60 distinct groups. Its primary purpose is to facilitate access to a rich database of jokes, ensuring that users can find exactly what they need, whether for personal enjoyment, application development, or content enhancement.

Table of Contents

Explore Jokes API Endpoints


  • GETGet Categories of Jokes:
    Retrieve all available categories of jokes for filtering purposes.
  • GETGet Jokes:
    Access our extensive joke collection and paginate through them based on your preferences.
  • GETGet Jokes By Specific Category:
    Browse jokes of a specific category from our collection and paginate as needed.
  • GETGet Joke of the Day:
    Fetch the joke of the day from our most popular and highly rated jokes.
  • GETGet Joke of the Day By Category:
    Fetch the joke of the day of a specific category from our top-rated jokes collection.
  • GETGet Random Joke:
    Retrieve a random joke from our selection of highly rated and popular jokes.
  • GETGet Random Joke By Category:
    Retrieve a random joke of a specific category from our highly rated and popular jokes collection.

Practical Applications

This API can be integrated into various scenarios to enhance user engagement and experience:

  • Mobile and Web Applications: Infuse humor into mobile apps and websites by providing users with a steady stream of jokes, categorized and tailored to their preferences.
  • Content Creation: Augment blogs, articles, and social media posts with curated jokes to entertain and engage audiences.
  • Chat Applications: Integrate the API into chatbots and messaging platforms to deliver timely jokes, brightening users’ interactions.
  • Marketing Campaigns: Utilize jokes for email marketing, advertisements, and promotional materials to create a relatable and joyful brand presence.
  • Entertainment Platforms: Enrich video streaming services, podcasts, and other entertainment mediums with a diverse range of jokes to keep audiences entertained.

These use cases demonstrate the API’s potential to foster humor and enjoyment across numerous digital environments, enhancing user experience and engagement.

Main Features

This API boasts a multitude of features that underscore its utility and flexibility:

  • Get Categories of Jokes: Retrieve all available joke categories to help filter and streamline joke retrieval based on specific interests.
  • Get Jokes: Access an expansive repository of jokes. Utilize pagination and sorting options to customize the joke retrieval experience.
  • Get Jokes By Specific Category: Target jokes within a particular category, complete with pagination and sorting capabilities for personalized joke discovery.
  • Get Joke of the Day: Obtain the joke of the day from a curated selection of highly rated and popular jokes.
  • Get Joke of the Day By Category: Acquire the joke of the day tailored to a specific category from the most esteemed and favored jokes.
  • Get Random Joke: Fetch a random joke from a pool of the most acclaimed and widely appealing jokes.
  • Get Random Joke By Category: Retrieve a random joke within a selected category from the top-rated and most popular jokes.

Getting Started with the Free Jokes API

Getting started with the Free Jokes API is straightforward. Just sign up for the Free Tier. Refer to the provided documentation to understand how to implement the API.


This API presents a robust solution for access to a vast and diverse jokes database. Its structured categories and various endpoints offer unparalleled flexibility and personalized humor delivery.

From mobile and web applications to marketing and entertainment platforms, it serves as a multifaceted tool for developers and businesses. By integrating this API, you can effortlessly infuse humor into various digital touchpoints, ensuring enhanced user engagement and experience.