Free City, Region, Country API

The City, Region, Country API is designed to provide comprehensive global data on cities, regions, and countries. Its primary purpose is to facilitate the retrieval and manipulation of geographical information, enabling developers to create applications that rely on accurate and up-to-date location data. This API is indispensable for developers, businesses, or hobbyists who require detailed information about different geographical areas.

By integrating this API into their projects, developers can access a vast array of data points related to cities, regions, and countries worldwide. Whether the objective is to display current times across different time zones or to find cities that meet specific criteria, this tool offers a high degree of flexibility and utility.

Table of Contents

Common Use Cases

The API can be applied to various real-world scenarios, providing value across different domains. Some common use cases include:

  • Travel Applications: Display current times and dates for different destinations, helping travelers stay informed.
  • Business Analytics: Aggregate and analyze population data to make informed business decisions.
  • Local Services: Show nearby services or points of interest based on a user’s location.
  • Weather Applications: Use location data to provide accurate weather forecasts for specific areas.
  • Administrative Tasks: Help governmental agencies with data on administrative divisions and regions.
  • Education Platforms: Provide students with detailed information about various geographical locations.

These examples illustrate the API’s versatility and its potential to enhance a wide range of applications.

City, Region, Country API Features

The City, Region, Country API comes with a plethora of features that make it a highly versatile tool for geographical data retrieval:

  • Locale-Based Queries: Retrieve current times and dates in various formats (ISO-6801, ISO-8601) for specific time zones.
  • Comprehensive Place Details: Get detailed information about specific places, including coordinates, population, and elevation.
  • Proximity Searches: Find places near a given location or another place, with various filtering options.
  • Administrative Divisions: Access data on administrative divisions within regions, such as states, provinces, or districts.
  • Country and Region Data: Obtain in-depth details about countries and their regions, including city counts and other relevant statistics.
  • Languages and Locales: Retrieve information on supported languages and locales to facilitate multi-language applications.

The API offers extensive filtering options to tailor the data to specific needs, making it highly adaptable for different applications.

City, Region, Country API Endpoints List


  • GETTime-Zone:
    Retrieve the current time in ISO-8601 format for the specified time-zone.
  • GETTime-Zones:
    Access a list of all available time-zones.
  • GETCurrencies:
    Obtain currencies based on specified criteria or retrieve all available currencies if no criteria are provided.
  • GETTime-Zone Time:
    Fetch the current time in ISO-8601 format for the specified time-zone.
  • GETTime-Zone Date-Time:
    Get the current date and time in ISO-8601 format for the specified time-zone.
  • GETLanguages:
    Retrieve a list of all supported languages.
  • GETLocales:
    Retrieve a list of all known locales.


  • GETPlace Distance:
    Retrieve the distance from this place to the specified location.
  • GETPlace Time:
    Fetch the current time of this place in ISO-8601 format: HHmmss.SSSZ
  • GETPlace Date-Time:
    Obtain the current date-time of this place in ISO-6801 format: yyyyMMdd’T’HHmmssZ
  • GETPlace Located In:
    Retrieve details of the parent populated place such as county or administrative division, including location coordinates, population, and elevation above sea level.
  • GETPlace Details:
    Get detailed information about a specific place including location coordinates, population, and elevation above sea level if available.
  • GETCity Date-Time:
    Receive the date-time of a city in ISO-6801 format: yyyyMMdd’T’HHmmssZ
  • GETCity Located In:
    Obtain details of the containing populated place such as county or administrative division, including population, elevation above sea-level, and location coordinates.
  • GETCities:
    Explore cities based on optional criteria, returning those with a population of at least 1000 if no criteria are specified.
  • GETPlaces Near Location:
    Retrieve places near a specified location with optional filtering criteria.
  • GETPlaces Near Place:
    Find places near a specified place with optional filtering criteria.
  • GETCountry Places:
    Get a list of places within a specific country.
  • GETCountry Region Divisions:
    Fetch the administrative divisions within a particular region.
  • GETCountry Region Cities:
    Obtain a list of cities within a specific region.
  • GETCountry Region Details:
    Get detailed information about a specific country region including the number of cities it contains.
  • GETCountry Regions:
    Discover regions within a specific country based on optional criteria, such as states, provinces, districts, or major political divisions.
  • GETCountry Details:
    Fetch detailed information about a specific country including the number of regions it comprises.
  • GETCity Time:
    Get the current time of a city in ISO-8601 format: HHmmss.SSSZ
  • GETCity Distance:
    Retrieve the distance to a specified city.
  • GETCities Near Location:
    Explore cities near a given location with optional filtering criteria.
  • GETAdmin Division Details:
    Obtain detailed information about a specific administrative division including location coordinates, population, and elevation above sea level if available.

Free City, Region, Country API: Usage

Initiate access to the Free City, Region, Country API by subscribing to the Free Tier. Utilize the documentation to integrate the API into your application.

Closing Remarks

The City, Region, Country API stands out as a powerful tool for accessing and manipulating geographical data. Its extensive features and flexibility make it suitable for a plethora of applications, from business analytics to travel planning.

By leveraging this API, developers can ensure that their applications are built on a foundation of accurate and comprehensive geographical information. Its robust capabilities and ease of integration make it an invaluable resource for anyone in need of detailed location data.